Sunday, December 13, 2009

Living ForGod In These Last Days Part 1

Living For God In These Last Days
Fear is one of the major routes of attack the enemy uses with Gods people. Have you ever stopped to see what brings this fear on us? What constitutes fear? Below are some of the other types of fear that we all need to really look at and take inventory of in our lives. Keeping in mind fear is the opposite of faith; and without faith it is impossible to please God.

1) Fear of poverty; lack, not making ends meets; job playing out; hours cut; pay cuts, not affording food etc

2) Fear of the past; inability to let go of our past and let God; dragging it with us into the now and into our futures; afraid of things being/or relationships being like our dreadful pasts.

3) Fear of future; uncertainty of what will come; afraid of not being able to cope or succeed

4) Fear of sickness; cancer runs in the family, so you guess your next; afraid of the many diseases that are arising in this world

5) Fear of rejection; afraid you wont be accepted by others including family members

6) Fear of man; afraid of venturing outside in some cases because of a fear of being victimized in one form or another; afraid of what men can do to you.

7) Fear of height, flying and the like; these are phobias

These are all signs of our minds under attack from the enemy.
Firstly, there is a answer and cure for all the above Jesus! Did you know that the term Fear Not is repeated 366 times in the word of God? God is trying to tell us something, but are we listening? Do we really trust God as much as we claim too, or do we limit our trust in him. Do we put more faith in men and the enemy than we do our heavenly Father? God has not given us the spirit of fear child of God 1 Timothy 1:7, note what he DID give us ( paraphrased ) Love, Power AND a Strong Mind so that leaves only one that plants seeds of fear in minds, Satan. We can choose to receive it or to resist it by the blood of Jesus and according to the word of God.

Sometimes, we bring fear on ourselves to. How? Well what we watch for movies, on TV, what we read, listening to other people. In doing that we give permission for fear to come in. These seeds of fear, if not put in check by casting these thoughts down and speaking the word of God over our minds, can cause a stronghold of fear in our minds to built by the enemy. Our minds are the battleground, we must win the battles of our minds for Christ; our minds are not saved they are to be re-newed or re-trained to think as God would think; therefore the enemy knowing this, thats where he is focusing much of his attacks, he knows already our minds can be vulnerable if NOT renewed to the truths of the word of God. It is up to us to KNOW the word of God, not merely read over it; but to internalize it, deep in our spirit. Worry is a form of fear; Jesus said Matthew 6:25 Casting ALL your Cares/Worry upon him because he cares for you. As a matter of fact Jesus tells us dont worry 6 times! So this brings us back to the question, where does our trust and faith truly lie? Fear is a demon spirit as it is referred to in 1 Timothy above.

Refuse to fear in any way and trust God at HIS word and not that of this world or the god of this world Satan. In closing lets get back to Matthew 6:25 for just a minute. The term care or cares of this life derives from the Greek word merimna Meaning the following: 1) To have anxious cares about present world conditions 2) To be full of concern, anxiety, and worry about the present circumstances 3) To have our minds occupied with the problems of this life 4) Mental suffering or torment, anguish, grief 5) To be harassed by fearful or negative thoughts 6) Troubling of the mind and emotions caused by a painful load of anxious thoughts 7)

Oppression of the mind weighed down by the pressure of circumstances.
I pray this will in some way help and minister to you, as our minds must be free of all fear and renewed to Gods word. I wanted to start here because there is so much fear raging in this world and even seeping into the body of Christ! It is up to us to stand up and take control of our own minds by the word of God! Here s a little tid bit to chew on till next time.

Till next time, Keep Looking Up!
Jesus is coming soon!
Are you ready?
Pastor Deborah
Living For God Ministries

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